As pointed out by others, the anti-reflective coating on the sapphire glass could be better and the face could be more readable in dim light. The lume is bright initially but dims very quickly. But I knew these things going in and they were not deal breakers because the overall value and quality of this watch are outstanding. Well worth the price for the excellent features that you get. Awesome job Citizen. I absolutely love wearing this watch.
I set this watch to my phone's clock about a month ago and it's still keeping within about a half-second. It looks great on my wrist (8.5") with the classic aviator look. The numbers are easy to read. Don't expect much from the lume, but it does exist. :-) My 12yo son picked it up and said it felt cheap to him because it was so light. That's titanium for you... But I love the fact that it's that light! Being able to customize the length of the bracelet was invaluable to me. I will definitely be coming back!
Fast and reliable service. I'm 6' 3" tall and have a larger than average wrist circumference. I love the option that you can choose your wrist size for the band when ordering a watch. The convenience of this option cannot be overstated. if you order the same watch from a site like Amazon or similar, a one size fits all band is sent attached to the watch. If the watch doesn't fit, you need to take it to a watch repair shop and have links either added or removed. If band links need to be added, that's another additional cost. Citizen includes this service in the price of their watch.