Love the watch the look the quality and the price!
I actually bought both colors. The blue and black. I ended up keeping the blue one. But it is my favorite watch for everyday use. Super durable and classy. I work out in the watch, I swim in the watch, I go to the beach with it. It’s nice enough as well to wear on a fancy date with my wife. My only issue is how small the date is. That’s the only thing I would change.
Citizen Response
Glass scratches very easy, and strap is just okay. Also it’s very hard to see the date calendar in low light settings.
I bought this specific model roughly 2 months ago on a sale, and I have been impressed since I unpackaged it. Fairly lighweight, comfortable, accurate (Hasn't lost a second yet), the illumination is optimally bright, and as fantastic as it looks it has stood up to a fair of use while working outdoors, on cars, or at work. The glass is impossible to scratch, and the adjustments all feel tight and tactile. This watch is my favorite, and well worth it even at full price. It will undoubtably will stay in collection, and on my wrist for a very long time.