I'm using this watch for a year - very reliable and accurate. The main problem is that the main hands are too small and upper left assisting hand is too big so you need to concentrate in order to findout what's the time, furthermore at night ot in early morning unless it is completley dark you can't know what the time is - the loom is not strong enough and you can't differentiate between the 4 hands. Any use of the special features is complecated and you have to follow the manual each time.
I recently purchased this PCAT watch, I absolutely love its features, but absolutely hate the Black Hands on the Black Face. I simply cannot see them in less than full daylight. I wrote to Citizen Customer Care shortly after purchasing to inquire about different hands that might offer some contrast and was told that these hands were the only ones available. On today's advertisement, I see there is a model with a blue face and what appear to be grey hands... Those appear to me that they would fit and provide a bit more contrast... I am very disappointed in Citizen customer service... It was easy for them to tell me "no" without apparently looking at options... Quite disappointed that Citizen Customer Care seemed to care less about my issue of not being able see the hands and could not consider an available solution...
Citizen Response
keeps resetting to a different Time, besides that when its not resetting it works great
Black band loses color very bad quality for so a perfect watch. Very disappointed.