Watch 09/28/23
Verified Buyer
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Best Watch

Looks great and received quickly! Will buy from this company for many years to come.

World 09/24/23
Verified Buyer
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1 month of travel.

I debated between a satellite/GPS watch VS a atomic watch and eventually went with the GPS because I can get satellite updates virtually anywhere. The bonus was the Solar charging. I must confess that I have many watches in the drawer mainly because I haven’t gotten around to changing the batteries yet. An atomic watch works well if your range requirement is limited to the US Central Europe or Japan. So far I am happy with its performance over the past month of travel. I wish it came in stainless steal or gold colors with a leather wrist strap option. It would make it more classic. The black has grown on me but I would definitely purchase another if silver or grey.

Marc 05/22/23
Verified Buyer
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GPS time

I chose the blue highlights, and it's difficult to see in all but bright light. I should have gotten the green-it would be easier to see. Otherwise, this seems to be a great watch. The time setting is very cool from GPS rather than atomic clock via radio.

Tom 05/11/23
Verified Buyer
rating star rating star rating star rating star rating star
Great watch

Outstanding piece of craftsmanship. I love the technology. A very well made little machine.