The modern spy doesn’t just scuba dive. The modern spy sky dives, scuba dives, entertains, romances, and most importantly, accomplishes the mission! They might be kidnapped and sent anywhere in the world. What’s the local time when they wake up? It’s extremely hard usually, but not with this watch due to gps satellite time update system. Globally functional > world timer ✔️ Light, strong > Super titanium ✔️ Beautiful + Great legibility dial > sparkling like the universe with skeletonized hands in brilliant white ✔️ Never loses power > Eco drive ✔️ The watch knows where it is located > Satellite GPS ✔️ I really enjoy wearing and using this watch. Citizen has many home-runs and this is another one - at least for the international business traveler pretending to be a globe-trotting spy. :) 003 Special Agent
this is a gorgeous beauty beast of watch based on the first launch of the original f100 models but updated version of it recommended