Tantoes 12/10/22
rating star rating star rating star rating star rating star
What time is it?

Defeats purpose of all functions. Since the hands are near impossible to see. A very stunning, but useless, accessory. I find this a problem with most timepieces.

El 03/25/21
Verified Buyer
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Beauty over Function

Designer chose to promote moon phase over functionality to auto change dates at the end of EVERY month. Day dates on the circumference of the face are too small and difficult to read. Also, a charge indicator would be of more value than the moon phase. Designer missed the opportunity to provide a functional female watch that would provide ease of use, with desirable everyday usable features. How many people care about the moon phase?

Julieort 03/17/23
rating star rating star rating star rating star rating star
Won't buy this again.

Bought this watch in September. It broke in February. The months didn't adjust at the end of February. I sent it in for repairs which stated 12 days and after 20 days I have not received an email, my watch or any notification on the status since it was shipped. Liked the watch: extremely poor customer service. Don't risk the money because the warranty is worthless.