Have owned this watch for a couple of years now. Performs petfect. Mine is in the blue. Definitely, a eye catcher. My only complaint, the point of sail are wrong. If one is standing at the helm, the Port side markings should be at the 10 & 11 . And so forth. The Starboard markings should be at the 1 & 2 position and so forth. Why are the point of sail off? Have sent this Citizen before, but they have yet to respond. Seriously, if your marketing at a sailing watch, at least have the tacking positions marked correctly.
Love this watch. The eco drive. The looks. And the race timer. I only wish there was a way to sync the race timer if you miss a signal, and that the audio alarms were a little louder. Also love the function of being able to move the analog hands out of the way of the LCD screens and easily reset them
The only issue I had was setting the time . way too complicated