Hard to set time If you live in Arizona. You would have to have California time while it’s daylight savings time. Can’t set time for Arizona
Citizen Response
Great looking watch. This is a birthday present from my wife but, cannot get it to set the correct time. Got the digital part set to time. The analog hands will not set correctly. Really do not wanted to return it but, if I can't figure it out. I'm going to return it.
Have owned this watch for a couple of years now. Performs petfect. Mine is in the blue. Definitely, a eye catcher. My only complaint, the point of sail are wrong. If one is standing at the helm, the Port side markings should be at the 10 & 11 . And so forth. The Starboard markings should be at the 1 & 2 position and so forth. Why are the point of sail off? Have sent this Citizen before, but they have yet to respond. Seriously, if your marketing at a sailing watch, at least have the tacking positions marked correctly.
Love this watch. The eco drive. The looks. And the race timer. I only wish there was a way to sync the race timer if you miss a signal, and that the audio alarms were a little louder. Also love the function of being able to move the analog hands out of the way of the LCD screens and easily reset them