this watch is even better than i thought it would be. i love the way you toggle between functions and make settings and love the analog chronograph feature and the 40hr timing capability. the light for the digital window is a very nice feature as well.
The watch has a very sharp design and looks really cool, but the wrist band, which is made of canvas, is loose and doesn’t hold a shape, so it doesn’t hold the watch face securely on my wrist. It’s always sliding to the side, which is very annoying and not what I expect from a $700 watch.
This is an absolute beast of an ana-digi watch. It feels like it could stand up to anything, far more than my casual lifestyle will realistically throw at it. The functionality is top notch and the screen is beautiful - though if there is one negative I'd say the button-activated backlight is pretty weak. I don't care about something that minor though. This is a tank and I feel cool whenever I look at it.
I like the style but the watch is complicated to set up. Nice quality also the design it looks amazing, but way to complicated to manage.